Sonntag, 29. Dezember 2013

Sonntag &

Das Kuriose ist, so richtig hat dieser Sonntag gar keinen Namen, er ist so zwischen Weihnachten und dem neuen Jahr irgendwie dazwischen-gerutscht. Und so verhält es sich auch mit dem Essen, es war kein richtiges, sondern eine Art Reste-Verwertung (ausgelöst vom mißmutigen Blick in den Gefrierschrank), also eine sozusagen Gemüsesuppe, in die sich Überbleibsel eines gewesenen Krustenbratens und marinierten Filets vom Schwein verirrten (wir berichteten).

Es ist ein wenig wie mit den Erinnerungen, man wirft nicht Zusammengehöriges ineinander und hofft, daraus werde irgendetwas Erhellendes werden, nun ja. Dazu (mäßige) Bilder vom (letztjährigen) Tannenbaum, diesmal mit Lametta. Das aktuelle Neujahrsessen ruft (es sind also weitere Nachträge zu erwarten).

nachgetragen am 1. Januar 1014

2 Kommentare:

naturgesetz hat gesagt…

In my old Graduale Romanum, 1948 edition, the Sunday is called "Sunday within the Octave of Christmas (lit. the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord). The introit, which generally seems to have given Sundays their names, begins, "Dum medium silentium…"

Now the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family on that Sunday. Formerly, Holy Family was celebrated on the Sunday after Epiphany.

That looks like a hearty soup.

It's interesting to see how different the tree and the walls look in different lights. Our eyes would make adjustments — no, not our eyes, but our brains — but the camera shows the light that it received, but for some reason, our brain doesn't adjust the colors it sees in pictures.

My first guess had been that the first picture was in daylight and the second by artificial light. But then I noticed the first picture of the Christmas post. In the background is a window through which the daylit outdoors is seen. But in today's first picture, the window is dark. So the pictures would seem to show two kinds of artificial light. Is the first with flash and the second without?

MartininBroda hat gesagt…

Deine Beobachtungen sind sorgsam, wie immer.

Your observations are careful, as usually. So all the light is artificial of course, but indeed the 1st was flash (I tried to improve both, but well), it was really hard to make justice to the real picture (my English is still poor of course), and that's a pity, because it's a nice looking tree this time.

Thanks for the "Dum medium silentium”- hint (it's always a pleasure to have well educated friends) and finally: Have a pleasant and blessed New Year!