Ich fühle die Sicherheit, der Abgebildete ist nichts anderes als ein sittenstrenger und gottesfürchtiger Mann. Nun gut, damit ist er ein wenig aus der Gegenwart gefallen, aber trotzdem.
Denn beim Hinschauen rumorte es in meinen übriggebliebenen Geisteskräften. Woher das "We" bei jemandem, der doch wie das mustergültige Beispiel demokratischer Fürsorge aussieht.
Ein Gedankenexperiment, nur ausgelöst von Obigem (I beg your pardon). Nicht mehr so nachgefragte alternde Begleiterin kündigt an, sich mit seiner Ehefrau anfreunden zu wollen, es sei denn...
Der 47. Präsident ist ausgerechnet in der Stadt New York gerichtlich verfolgt worden. In einem Fall, der selbstverständlich völlig anders gelagert ist. Er wurde auf Grund der Aussagen einer milieunahen, aber vollständig vertrauenswürdigen Person rechtskräftig verurteilt und machte einfach weiter.
Da hat er eine Art von überraschendem Tugendmuster kreiert, neben einigem anderem.
Donald Trump sollte den Geschworenen eine Leibrente aussetzen.
Und jetzt weg von hier und zurück zum Wahren, Guten und Schönen.
Remarks by President Trump at South Dakota’s 2020 Mount Rushmore Fireworks Celebration, July 4, 2020
Link zum ganzen Text und Video ... Our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children.
Angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our Founders, deface our most sacred memorials, and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities. Many of these people have no idea why they are doing this, but some know exactly what they are doing. They think the American people are weak and soft and submissive. But no, the American people are strong and proud, and they will not allow our country, and all of its values, history, and culture, to be taken from them.
One of their political weapons is “Cancel Culture” — driving people from their jobs, shaming dissenters, and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees. This is the very definition of totalitarianism, and it is completely alien to our culture and our values, and it has absolutely no place in the United States of America... This attack on our liberty, our magnificent liberty, must be stopped, and it will be stopped very quickly. We will expose this dangerous movement, protect our nation’s children, end this radical assault, and preserve our beloved American way of life.
In our schools, our newsrooms, even our corporate boardrooms, there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished. It’s not going to happen to us.
Make no mistake: this left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution. In so doing, they would destroy the very civilization that rescued billions from poverty, disease, violence, and hunger, and that lifted humanity to new heights of achievement, discovery, and progress.
To make this possible, they are determined to tear down every statue, symbol, and memory of our national heritage.
That is why I am deploying federal law enforcement to protect our monuments, arrest the rioters, and prosecute offenders to the fullest extent of the law...
Our people have a great memory. They will never forget the destruction of statues and monuments to George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, abolitionists, and many others.
The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets of cities that are run by liberal Democrats, in every case, is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural institutions.
Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country, and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that were villains. The radical view of American history is a web of lies — all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted, and every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition.
This movement is openly attacking the legacies of every person on Mount Rushmore. They defile the memory of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt. Today, we will set history and history’s record straight.
Before these figures were immortalized in stone, they were American giants in full flesh and blood, gallant men whose intrepid deeds unleashed the greatest leap of human advancement the world has ever known. Tonight, I will tell you and, most importantly, the youth of our nation, the true stories of these great, great men...
No movement that seeks to dismantle these treasured American legacies can possibly have a love of America at its heart. Can’t have it. No person who remains quiet at the destruction of this resplendent heritage can possibly lead us to a better future.
The radical ideology attacking our country advances under the banner of social justice. But in truth, it would demolish both justice and society. It would transform justice into an instrument of division and vengeance, and it would turn our free and inclusive society into a place of repression, domination, and exclusion.
They want to silence us, but we will not be silenced...
We are proud of the fact that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, and we understand that these values have dramatically advanced the cause of peace and justice throughout the world...
We remember that governments exist to protect the safety and happiness of their own people. A nation must care for its own citizens first. We must take care of America first. It’s time.
We believe in equal opportunity, equal justice, and equal treatment for citizens of every race, background, religion, and creed. Every child, of every color — born and unborn — is made in the holy image of God.
We want free and open debate, not speech codes and cancel culture.
We embrace tolerance, not prejudice.
We support the courageous men and women of law enforcement. We will never abolish our police or our great Second Amendment, which gives us the right to keep and bear arms.
We believe that our children should be taught to love their country, honor our history, and respect our great American flag.
We stand tall, we stand proud, and we only kneel to Almighty God.
This is who we are. This is what we believe. And these are the values that will guide us as we strive to build an even better and greater future.
Those who seek to erase our heritage want Americans to forget our pride and our great dignity, so that we can no longer understand ourselves or America’s destiny. In toppling the heroes of 1776, they seek to dissolve the bonds of love and loyalty that we feel for our country, and that we feel for each other. Their goal is not a better America, their goal is the end of America...
My fellow Americans, it is time to speak up loudly and strongly and powerfully and defend the integrity of our country.
It is time for our politicians to summon the bravery and determination of our American ancestors. It is time. It is time to plant our flag and protect the greatest of this nation, for citizens of every race, in every city, and every part of this glorious land. For the sake of our honor, for the sake of our children, for the sake of our union, we must protect and preserve our history, our heritage, and our great heroes.
Here tonight, before the eyes of our forefathers, Americans declare again, as we did 244 years ago: that we will not be tyrannized, we will not be demeaned, and we will not be intimidated by bad, evil people. It will not happen.
We will proclaim the ideals of the Declaration of Independence, and we will never surrender the spirit and the courage and the cause of July 4th, 1776.
Upon this ground, we will stand firm and unwavering. In the face of lies meant to divide us, demoralize us, and diminish us, we will show that the story of America unites us, inspires us, includes us all, and makes everyone free...
From this night and from this magnificent place, let us go forward united in our purpose and re-dedicated in our resolve. We will raise the next generation of American patriots. We will write the next thrilling chapter of the American adventure. And we will teach our children to know that they live in a land of legends, that nothing can stop them, and that no one can hold them down. They will know that in America, you can do anything, you can be anything, and together, we can achieve anything...
My fellow citizens: America’s destiny is in our sights. America’s heroes are embedded in our hearts. America’s future is in our hands. And ladies and gentlemen: the best is yet to come.
This has been a great honor for the First Lady and myself to be with you. I love your state. I love this country. I’d like to wish everybody a very happy Fourth of July. To all, God bless you, God bless your families, God bless our great military, and God bless America. Thank you very much.
Gelegentlich ist die Wirklichkeit doch zu wenig respektabel, als daß wir sie ernsthaft in Erwägung ziehen könnten. / Occasionally, the so called truth is not respectable enough to warrant serious consideration.
To those who unfortunately don‘t understand German
It’s a pity German is not that known how it should be. Surprisingly some people read this blog and more surprisingly, some of them have an English tongue. But this is a German blog. I’ve tried to deal with this problem. If you are interested in German poetry there are translations listed in the column to the right above. And you can find a very kind introduction of this blog here from a gentleman who called himself “naturgesetz”.
I thought there is enough nonsense at this place without a translation tool, I can’t really recommend one, a blogger whose blog I “adore” wrote me once: “I looked at your blog: too bad the translation programs don't work well. On the other hand, they translate the German into something that sounds very poetic, even if it doesn't quite make sense.” Forgive me for stealing your words.
For all that try to use Babelfish.
And I thought by myself, why you shouldn’t give your readers a reason for a good laughter (because my English is not that good), so I guess I will make a short summary in the comment area in the future, to comment your own blog is indeed ridiculous, so enjoy it. Oh and if you like, correct me.
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