Sonntag, 18. September 2011

Sonntag &

Wo wir schon so spät sind, ich mir aber versprochen hatte, wenigstens dies hier regelmäßig aufzuschreiben, ein kurzer Sonntagspost. Etwas ausgesprochen einfaches gab es heute, ein Hähnchen geschmort mit Butterschmalz auf einem Bett aus Zwiebeln, Rosmarin, Thymian und Oregano, dazu Bohnen mit brauner Butter und Rosenkohl (beides hatte viel frisch geriebenen Muskat abbekommen). Die Soße wurde sehr gelobt, immerhin. Nein, nicht von mir. Mir wäre diese Art Selbstlob eher suspekt, so wie jedes Schwadronieren, Bramarbasieren und andere Großsprechereien dieser Art.


Since we are late, but I had promised myself to write at least this regularly - a short Sunday post. Something very simple today, a chicken braised with butter on a bed of onions, rosemary, thyme and oregano, plus beans with brown butter and Brussels sprouts (both got a lot of freshly grated nutmeg). The sauce was complimented, after all. No, not from me. I would rather suspect this kind of self-praise, as any swaggering, braggart rodomontade and other “big talking” of this kind.

2 Kommentare:

naturgesetz hat gesagt…

In English, there used to be the phrase, "though I say it myself," which could be used when complimenting one's own work. I suppose it's best to express the praise in an understated fashion as well — "Though I say it myself, that braised chicken was not bad." "Though I say it myself who shouldn't, the performance was fairly well received."

I don't know if anybody else still says, "Though I say it myself," or its cousin, "if I do say so."

Anyway, I'm glad the meal was a success. It certainly looks good.

MartininBroda hat gesagt…

I think I’ve heard "if I do say so" before, not sure about "though I say it myself", but I like it. Therefore this - "Though I say it myself who shouldn't, the performance was fairly well received", will become one of my standard phrases from now on (at least I hope there’ll be reasons to do so). Thank you for the brave futile attempt to improve my English and for your continuous commenting here. Btw hopefully I can cheer for the Pope on Thursday in Berlin.