Am Ende des Stabes hängt das Schaufelblech und da ich Mützen eigentlich gar nicht mag und nur im Notfall aufsetze, hatte ich nach getaner Arbeit und leicht erwärmt das Ding auf der Schneeschaufel vorübergehend abgelegt.
Well, yea, Martin, but don't be so EGOTISTIC, for heaven's sake!
Consider the good that would arise from turning off the Gulf Stream!
(Technically, of course, the Gulf Stream could not be "turned off" per se. What we'll have to do - with the help of a few strategically placed high-yield hydrogen bombs - is to "switch" the Gulf and Labrador Streams (they are within a few miles off our coast here, where the hydrodynamic decisions are made).
Briefly, the Gulf Stream would keep going up the American East Coast, through the Labrador and then the Baffin Basins. It would, after warming Nova Scotia and Neuwfoundland, start warming the High Arctic, Baffin Island, etc.
(Additional advantage: That would push the Arctic waters plus Titanic icebergs, toward the East.)
What was one the "Labrador Stream" would now flow (warmer) north of Greenland (green again!) and Iceland (they need help right now, anyway!) and then turn South between Iceland and Scotland, then down the Irish coast, returning to the Gulf of Mexico via the Azores (the historic "Columbus Route")
[Note that the Arctic near Canada's Territories would now be ice-free and the fabled North-West Passage open to international shipping and US oil exploration!]
Taking into account latitudes, my back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests an average temperature rise for Nova Scotia of at least 10 to 15 C: Palm trees on St. Margaret's Bay! The corresponding numbers for Europe - whose temperatures are now elevated above world average due to the Gulf Stream by some 5-10 C - would decrease by 15 to 20 C.
(Of course we would have to crunch the numbers carefully beforehand, so the terraforming bombs could be placed at hydrodynamically optimized points.)
Compared to these marvellous advantages - a large leap for Mankind! - what does it matter, Martin, that your back hurts from shoveling snow? For that some Ibuprofen and a cat skin would do just fine!
PS: One of your blogger friends - see above - could do the calculation better than I - ask him to do so, please! - just to confirm the scientific soundness of my efforts for this planet...
Gelegentlich ist die Wirklichkeit doch zu wenig respektabel, als daß wir sie ernsthaft in Erwägung ziehen könnten. / Occasionally, the so called truth is not respectable enough to warrant serious consideration.
To those who unfortunately don‘t understand German
It’s a pity German is not that known how it should be. Surprisingly some people read this blog and more surprisingly, some of them have an English tongue. But this is a German blog. I’ve tried to deal with this problem. If you are interested in German poetry there are translations listed in the column to the right above. And you can find a very kind introduction of this blog here from a gentleman who called himself “naturgesetz”.
I thought there is enough nonsense at this place without a translation tool, I can’t really recommend one, a blogger whose blog I “adore” wrote me once: “I looked at your blog: too bad the translation programs don't work well. On the other hand, they translate the German into something that sounds very poetic, even if it doesn't quite make sense.” Forgive me for stealing your words.
For all that try to use Babelfish.
And I thought by myself, why you shouldn’t give your readers a reason for a good laughter (because my English is not that good), so I guess I will make a short summary in the comment area in the future, to comment your own blog is indeed ridiculous, so enjoy it. Oh and if you like, correct me.
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Über "Cottage lake at night" & anderes
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5 Kommentare:
Jetzt nur noch schnell den Golfstrum abdrehen und all der wunderschoene norddeutsche Schnee wuerde sich bis mindestens Mai erhalten!
Davon bitte ich denn doch Abstand zu nehmen, ich schätze unseren Golfstrom nämlich sehr und das Schneeschaufeln deutlich weniger.
Und was hat es mit der Mütze auf dem Stab auf sich?
Am Ende des Stabes hängt das Schaufelblech und da ich Mützen eigentlich gar nicht mag und nur im Notfall aufsetze, hatte ich nach getaner Arbeit und leicht erwärmt das Ding auf der Schneeschaufel vorübergehend abgelegt.
Well, yea, Martin, but don't be so EGOTISTIC, for heaven's sake!
Consider the good that would arise from turning off the Gulf Stream!
(Technically, of course, the Gulf Stream could not be "turned off" per se. What we'll have to do - with the help of a few strategically placed high-yield hydrogen bombs - is to "switch" the Gulf and Labrador Streams (they are within a few miles off our coast here, where the hydrodynamic decisions are made).
Briefly, the Gulf Stream would keep going up the American East Coast, through the Labrador and then the Baffin Basins. It would, after warming Nova Scotia and Neuwfoundland, start warming the High Arctic, Baffin Island, etc.
(Additional advantage: That would push the Arctic waters plus Titanic icebergs, toward the East.)
What was one the "Labrador Stream" would now flow (warmer) north of Greenland (green again!) and Iceland (they need help right now, anyway!) and then turn South between Iceland and Scotland, then down the Irish coast, returning to the Gulf of Mexico via the Azores (the historic "Columbus Route")
[Note that the Arctic near Canada's Territories would now be ice-free and the fabled North-West Passage open to international shipping and US oil exploration!]
Taking into account latitudes, my back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests an average temperature rise for Nova Scotia of at least 10 to 15 C: Palm trees on St. Margaret's Bay! The corresponding numbers for Europe - whose temperatures are now elevated above world average due to the Gulf Stream by some 5-10 C - would decrease by 15 to 20 C.
(Of course we would have to crunch the numbers carefully beforehand, so the terraforming bombs could be placed at hydrodynamically optimized points.)
Compared to these marvellous advantages - a large leap for Mankind! - what does it matter, Martin, that your back hurts from shoveling snow? For that some Ibuprofen and a cat skin would do just fine!
PS: One of your blogger friends - see above - could do the calculation better than I - ask him to do so, please! - just to confirm the scientific soundness of my efforts for this planet...
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