Thanks for visiting my blog, sorry it’s indeed in German, but I guess you have not missed much; he acts mostly of history, nature, life and other boring things. A few pictures make it perhaps a little more enjoyable. And thanks for your kind remarks about my country.
Hi Martin. Thanks for checking out my blog. As for the Dahlia it's kind of a loaded question. It is normal for older leaves on a plant to turn yellow with age so it may just be natural. You should also check for spider mites which, around here in August, turn bottom leaves yellow on plants. They make small webs on the underside of plant leaves.
If you are fertilizing the same then it's most likely not a nutrient problem and if the soil is the same then acidity is not tying up the nutrients. But if the plants were purchased there is no guarantee the root systems were both in good health. If the plant with the yellowing leaves had an unhealthy root system before planting then it would show signs of poor nutrient uptake such as yellowing leaves.
Well I hope you can figure it out. It's difficult to diagnose without seeing the plant myself!
As for the hunky gardener question, yes you should be suspicious. I am an alien from another planet and I chose that name because I heard women liked having a hunky guy in the garden. Once I have the earth people's attention I will take over your minds and eventually your planet.
Thank you for your kind reply, which was already very helpful. It’s indeed difficult to diagnose without a picture, so I have taken some in my post today. It would gracious if you could take a look. I also promise that I no longer will try funny comments in a language I hardly understand. Thanks again.
Gelegentlich ist die Wirklichkeit doch zu wenig respektabel, als daß wir sie ernsthaft in Erwägung ziehen könnten. / Occasionally, the so called truth is not respectable enough to warrant serious consideration.
To those who unfortunately don‘t understand German
It’s a pity German is not that known how it should be. Surprisingly some people read this blog and more surprisingly, some of them have an English tongue. But this is a German blog. I’ve tried to deal with this problem. If you are interested in German poetry there are translations listed in the column to the right above. And you can find a very kind introduction of this blog here from a gentleman who called himself “naturgesetz”.
I thought there is enough nonsense at this place without a translation tool, I can’t really recommend one, a blogger whose blog I “adore” wrote me once: “I looked at your blog: too bad the translation programs don't work well. On the other hand, they translate the German into something that sounds very poetic, even if it doesn't quite make sense.” Forgive me for stealing your words.
For all that try to use Babelfish.
And I thought by myself, why you shouldn’t give your readers a reason for a good laughter (because my English is not that good), so I guess I will make a short summary in the comment area in the future, to comment your own blog is indeed ridiculous, so enjoy it. Oh and if you like, correct me.
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Über "Cottage lake at night" & anderes
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5 Kommentare:
Flowers? That is awesome! I don't speak German but I've been there a couple of times and, I must say, it's a beautiful place.
You've taken some nice pictures!
Thanks for visiting my blog, sorry it’s indeed in German, but I guess you have not missed much; he acts mostly of history, nature, life and other boring things. A few pictures make it perhaps a little more enjoyable. And thanks for your kind remarks about my country.
Hi Martin. Thanks for checking out my blog. As for the Dahlia it's kind of a loaded question. It is normal for older leaves on a plant to turn yellow with age so it may just be natural. You should also check for spider mites which, around here in August, turn bottom leaves yellow on plants. They make small webs on the underside of plant leaves.
If you are fertilizing the same then it's most likely not a nutrient problem and if the soil is the same then acidity is not tying up the nutrients. But if the plants were purchased there is no guarantee the root systems were both in good health. If the plant with the yellowing leaves had an unhealthy root system before planting then it would show signs of poor nutrient uptake such as yellowing leaves.
Well I hope you can figure it out. It's difficult to diagnose without seeing the plant myself!
As for the hunky gardener question, yes you should be suspicious. I am an alien from another planet and I chose that name because I heard women liked having a hunky guy in the garden. Once I have the earth people's attention I will take over your minds and eventually your planet.
Chow for now!
Thank you for your kind reply, which was already very helpful. It’s indeed difficult to diagnose without a picture, so I have taken some in my post today. It would gracious if you could take a look. I also promise that I no longer will try funny comments in a language I hardly understand. Thanks again.
Good share,you article very great, very usefull for us...thank you
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