Sonntag, 24. April 2011


poorly translated

Es mag ein wenig albern erscheinen, auch am Ostersonntag vom Essen zu berichten, aber wir hatten doch ein gewisses Übermaß an Religiösem hier kürzlich, das wird wohl am Kalender liegen. Gut, also ein kurzer Bericht, die Bilder sind ganz gruselig geworden, dafür läßt sich das vom Osteressen gar nicht behaupten. Meine Frau Mutter hatte recht viele Einwände gegen meine Art, Filetstücke vom Schwein mit Steinpilzen und Zwiebeln zu schmoren, beim Essen verstummten die dann auffallend, und jetzt muß ich mir für morgen noch etwas Neues einfallen lassen. Rosenkohl gab es außerdem.

Frohe Ostern! Der Friede und die Freude des auferstandenen Herrn sei mit Euch.

It may seem a bit strange to talk even on Easter Sunday about dinner, but we did have a certain excess of religious stuff here lately, I blame the calendar. Well, a brief report, the images are quite unpleasant this time, but the Easter meal itself was just the opposite. My dearest mother had a few objections against my way of cooking filet of pork with mushrooms and onions, then fell silent at dinner, and now I have to cook something new for tomorrow. There were also Brussels sprouts.

Happy Easter! May the grace and joy of the Risen Christ be with you all.

In resurrectione tua, Christe, caeli et terra laetentur.

2 Kommentare:

naturgesetz hat gesagt…

That pork filet looks delicious. I also liked the "Easter Bunnies" on the napkins. And I'm glad to see that you had some sparkling wine to accompany the dinner.

Here we had ham sprinkled with ground mustard and decorated with tinned pineapple slices — I also poured a bit of honey on top before heating it. We had boiled potato, green beans, California sparkling wine. Dessert was thawed store-bought white cake with coconut frosting. Sorry, I took no pictures.

naturgesetz hat gesagt…

I must also note that the spirea was a fine addition to the table. Here it will be nearly a month before it is in bloom. The leaves are just beginning to emerge.